Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goals vs. Resolutions

I've seen this statement all too often this year. "I prefer to set goals, not resolutions, for the new year." So I wanted to delve into that thought just a little. What is a goal and what is a resolution?

Goal - according to Merriam-Websters Dictionary a goal is "the end toward which effort is directed".

Resolution - the word resolution is a form of the word resolve. Resolve means "fixity of purpose" and "an official determination" according to Merriam-Webster.

People have the belief that a goal is better than a resolution. I beg to differ. A goal is the effect of a resolution. If you believe what the dictionary says about what the two words mean, then you have to believe that in order to set a goal, you have to make a resolution. Lets take an example: "I resolve to lose weight this year". (isn't that everyones new years resolution?) Now lets break that down. This person has a fixed purpose and has officially determined that they will lose weight during the year ahead. The next step would be to make a goal of how much by when they want to lose the weight. This is the end in which the effort of their resolution is going. Its cause and effect here people! The resolution causes the goal.

So I guess I just wanted to say that people need to pay more attention to what it means to make their resolutions. I honestly think that most people dont make a resolution because they are so tired of making them and failing. The problem is that they confuse what it is and take for granted that you have to work to make those things happen. I did make resolutions this year. I intend to keep them by making goals that help me fulfill what I wanted to do this year.

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