Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I told you that I would give an update as to how things are going for the clean up. As of today I have the boys clothes folded and put away. Now I need to do the same for mine. Did I mention the fact that I hate folding laundry? It always takes forever and then you have to put it away. I want to get rid of some of my clothes. Then I would have less to clean and fold. However, it would probably prompt me to get some new stuff. Most of what I have is years old and really worn out. I still have a dress that I got when I turned 15 if you can believe that. I like that dress, but its a tad small for my plus sized body right now. That's a story for another day tho.

Dollar Movies

Well .. the kids and I tried to go to the dollar movies today. We got there about ten minutes too late. When we got there, there was a line stretching out to the parking lot and just after we settled in to the line the guy at the window says to the lady standing there that they were sold out. Ahh ... so much for that! I will have to remember to get there quite a bit earlier so that we can make sure to get a seat. The movies start at ten and I think if we wanted to get good seats we would have to be there at 9:30. Good thing they have it two days a week. Maybe tomorrow eh?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Living light

Do you ever get the feeling that you are about to suffocate from too much stuff in your house? I feel like that all the time lately. Its ridiculous the amount of stuff we have yet don't use. Now granted there are some things that you may not need right now and have to hold until they are needed (ex. seasonal items, hand-me-downs, yard maintenance tools, tools in general, you get the point), but there are a ton of things that we hold on to for no really good reason at all. Those things would be sentimental or possibly items that you think you will use but probably never will. I have a lot of that stuff.

My house is fairly small (not quite 1200 sq ft) and so I don't have a lot of room to hold all the things that most people have hidden away in closets they never use. I have a storage shed outside that has mostly household repair and yard maintenance items and one wall dedicated to those things that we need to hold on to for seasonal whatever, and I have one closet stuffed full of the things that just don't fit anywhere else. It also has a bunch of things that I probably will never use.

Because of all this I think that it is time to purge the unwanted junk and live light for a while. I have always liked living without a bunch of stuff. When I moved out on my own for the first time, I had one box of stuff that I kept in a closet that I wasn't sure what to do with. The rest of the things I had were very basic. I had my dishes (way to many of them since I got a set of 8 from my aunt and already had a set of 4) and silverware, clothes, bed, dresser, radio, computer and a couch set that I bought for $50. I didn't need a TV because I hate the feeling of being sucked in to it and not being able to do what I wanted. I had books to entertain me and my radio for the noise. It was a one bedroom apartment and it was really nice.

So now that I have a small 3 bedroom house I think its time to get back to the basics. We've been in here for a year and its been very cramped. So here's how I think I am going to tackle this issue:

1. The Shed - Clean it up. Get out the rest of the thrift store items and garbage so that we can make room for the things that matter.
2. The Living room - Put things in their place. Once the stuff is where it belongs then we can deal with each room appropriately.
3. The Bedrooms - Purge! Each room has a lot of things that no one wants or uses. There's a lot of excess clothing that still needs to be removed and a lot of toys that the kids just toss around and don't really care about. Its time to make them choose their faves and stick with that.
4. The Bathrooms - Remove the unwanted. Who can honestly say that they don't have unwanted junk in their bathroom cabinets? I know that I have a couple of boxes worth of stuff I don't use and haven't really put thought to since we moved in.
5. The Kitchen - Trash the container lids! Okay ... how many lids do we need for five containers? I think its time to toss the box-o-lids and possibly the containers that go with them and find a small durable set that will fit easily in my small cabinet space. Also, How many glasses do we need? I have way too many and really want to get rid of all the excess.

I think that will do for now. I wonder how long that will take me. At least I will have help with the Shed. My hubby wants to do that one because that's his space. I get to go thru the rubbermaid tubs but the rest is his. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! *evil grin* I will try to keep a rolling update as to how Im doing with this. I might even try to have a yard sale with some of the stuff. I have already taken a van load full of clothes and stuff to the thrift store and so much more to go. Weeeeeee!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Proverbs Woman

She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. (Proverbs 31:27) This is what I want for myself. I want my husband to look at me and say that I am not lazy. I want him to come home and not be upset because there is no dinner on the table. I want him to be happy. But currently I am too lazy to even do that much. Its not a lot to make dinner before he gets home in the evening. Its not that much to do a load of laundry every now and then and its not that much to do the dishes. But sadly for me I have made it so much in my head that I dread the thought of doing these things anymore. I feel like I've been in a rut recently and haven't been able to get out. Especially with making dinner in the evening. It seems like I've had the same things for so long now that I'm just flat tired of it all. Back to the basics I guess. Dishes, laundry, dinner and maybe a bit of vacuuming in the meantime.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


"That's my favorite (insert item here)" seems to be my 5 year old's favorite saying. It could be anything from movies to games to food or drinks. He seems to have a favorite everything. Im glad that he likes so many things. For me that means that he's not picky at all about the things he has and does. I dont think I can remember too many things that were my favorite when I was little but I hope I had as many favorites as he does.

Just to add some fun, here's a few of my current favorites:

1. Chocolate
2. Carnations (bright colored ones)
3. Cool weather
4. Vintage dresses (40's and 50's styles)
5. Fantasy books

What are some of your favorites?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

Well, my family came to town almost two weeks ago and its been super busy lately. They have moved here and so we have been trying to get them set up with all the stuff they need. I haven't had the time to really do much on the computer lately. But its okay because I think within the last two weeks I've moved around more than I have in about a month! The boys are having a lot of fun too because my step brothers are here and they are keeping the boys busy.

I think I've strengthened my resolve to homeschool the boys. I recently read a blog from a special ed teacher who was talking about her experiences as a first year teacher. One thing that caught my attention was that she mentioned the other teachers counseling her to "just do the bare essentials and manage my classroom". I know its a lot to do and she had ten kids to teach .. but still, for the other teachers to tell her to do just the basic minimum is appalling to me! Then they wonder why it is that the kids in public school have so much trouble.

Okay, enough ranting. I have some cheesecake to eat .. Mmmmm!